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Who is this book for?

  • Marketing professionals looking to use data storytelling to engage stakeholders with their strategies & demonstrate effectiveness of their plans

  • B2B marketers, PR specialists, external & internal communications teams looking to develop best practice data storytelling for thought leadership & campaigns

  • Data and insight experts looking to support the building of data storytelling capabilities in the wider marketing function

What does the book offer?

  • A practical guide to data storytelling best practice focused on the skills that matter most

  • Expert perspectives, relevant examples and case studies to inspire you

  • Hints & tips to embed data storytelling into your day-to-day practice for transformative results

Core Skills:

  • Ask the right questions from the right data
  • Challenge the data to build confidence in your interpretation
  • Join the dots to identify insights from multiple datasets
  • Humanise and personalise the data story to build emotional connections
  • Bring the insight to life for others in engaging ways

Practical guide:

  • Plan relevant stories to achieve desired outcomes
  • Discover robust data stories that stand up to scrutiny
  • Build refined data stories that are coherent and compelling
  • Create relatable data stories that speak to hearts & minds
  • Execute remarkable data stories that cut through and drive action


  • Secure buy-in for your strategy & plans
  • Demonstrate value & return on investment
  • Influence partners & stakeholder decisions
  • Showcase thought leadership
  • Increase personal credibility & influence


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Take the next step and immerse yourself in the insights and examples shared within its pages. Click below to purchase your copy now to create data stories that truly persuade.